Architectural concrete designed for significant and exposed structures. Specification and consultation with the technologist is required to achieve the surfaces and results required by the architect. The design of the concrete mixture is carried out taking into account the ČBS 03 Technical Rules for architectural concrete.
ZAPA TOP is concrete conforming to the requirements of ČSN EN 206 (including national appendices to this standard - eg TN SVB 1-2014) and is designed especially for structures with very high requirements on the resulting surface - high-visibility concrete. It is particularly suitable for architecturally exposed areas of particular importance, such as representative buildings. To achieve a smooth surface, a grain size curve with a high amount of fine fractions is set and special fine admixtures and superplasticising additives are used, which allow perfect filling of the shuttering space and eliminate the effect of pore formation on the resulting surface. The highly compact and homogeneous structure significantly increases the durability of the structure. A suitably designed consistency can then achieve perfect surfaces even in inaccessible and demanding areas of construction.