More than 150 years have passed since the company was founded in yr. 1864 by Wilhelm Gustav Dyckerhoff and his sons Gustav and Rudolf. The company is one of the pilars of the Buzzi Unicem Group, Dyckerhoff's main administrative center is located in Wiesbaden, Germany. The company operates a total of seven cement plants and approximately 110 concrete mixing plants. Its international diversification began in yr. 2001, when Buzzi Unicem acquired 34% of the registered capital of Dyckerhoff AG. As part of the Buzzi Unicem additional production sites of the group in Europer are located in Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as in Russia and the Ukraine. Dyckerhoff provides customers with high quality products, and additionally offer construction-related consulting and other services. The production is adapted according to the latest findings in construction materials technology.