Buzzi Unicem SpA is an Italian company quoted on the Italian Stock Exchange, which produces cement, concrete and aggregates. Its residence is in Casale Monferrato (Alessandria Province), which was once known as the Italian Cement Capital and which is located about 90 km from Turin.
Buzzi Unicem is one of the largest cement producers in the world. It operates 35 cement plants, 421 concrete mixing plants and 20 sand pits and quarries worldwide (by the end of 2018). In 2018, production of cement in the group amounted to 27 million tons, ready-mixed concrete sales to 12 million m3 and aggregate sales to 7 million tons.
Buzzi Unicem SpA currently has - beside Italy - subsidiaries in Germany, Luxembourg, in the Nederlands, Poland, in the Ukraine, Russia, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Algeria as well as in the Czech and Slovak Republics and in Slovenia with almost 10,000 employees.